My Concerns for Future
Hi, My name is Ana Carolina, and I am 12 years old. I live in Cartagena, Colombia and I study in Colegio Jorge Washington. I like to hang out with my friends a lot on weekends and I also like to play sports, specially basketball and soccer. I also like to play them in my free time with my friends to practice. My concern for the future is wars and terrorism. This two things alerts world by becoming a part of daily life in all the world. An example is the Iraq war with the United states, this has been very common what makes things worst for tomorrow's future days. Millions of people in Iraq die each day and suffer always more and more, and by the other hand United States like Iraq innocent people have been victims of a war they didn't choose to have. Their families and most valuable monuments have suffered the war more than anyone, Twin towers was an example of the terrorism from the Iraqis for revenge to the United States by killing almost all the people in the twin towers or next to it. What damage a monument of pride to the United States and made them really suffer.
I think wars is something we should all worry about, because it means a lot of our future. World with wars can be also destroyed , wars maybe a problem that we worry about just like or same as global warming or any other problem similar that alerts world of destroying it. World war I and II was an other big example of what this wars can destroy people so easily. Jewish were victims of this war and we can se how the people of this religion have their history marked by this war that kill millions of people on purpose just because he hated that religion and he wanted to kill everyone who was Jewish no matter they were innocent or not.
They didn’t choose to suffer that and be dead in those cruel ways he use to kill al this people. This is a reflection for you and all people so they start worrying for our future but not just that, but specially in the theme about wars that is very important to our world..
Another issue that I concern about is childrens sexual abuse. Many children have receive sexual abuse always more and more every year , increasing the number of abortions in the world. Children are killing the life’s of humans that have no choice in be born or not. Imagine if the world is like this now, with this problems like sexual abuse in children. Imagine the world 20 years later, the world would be so degenérate in this themes that it will probably be common for then. Children would have no choice and people won’t do anything, while there childhood is destroyed.
At last, my third issue is global warming. For me more than a homework, this is a theme we should definetly talk about because its extremely important for us and our world. Global warming has affect the world tremendously and people do anything for the place they live in. What doesn’t make them concern about is that global warming is so important that it can practicaly destruí the world. Global warming is the cause of most Earth natural forces that don´t help Earth nor people , but destroye’s them. For example hurricanes, this storms that can be extremely strong have affected some places very hard . Hurricanes can kill millions of people and also let other millions withought homes. Ozone layer can not help us anymore because its making bigger and bigger holes , and again no one does so meeting to stop it, but instad for their own good people still use things and make things that damage the ozone layer and the rest of the enviroment.
I think we should all reflection about this and really think about what are we doping to improve things in Earth, and to the people that needs help. And if not, start to think in ways that we can improve it , and stop the damage we are making to it by thinking just in ourself .´
I think wars is something we should all worry about, because it means a lot of our future. World with wars can be also destroyed , wars maybe a problem that we worry about just like or same as global warming or any other problem similar that alerts world of destroying it. World war I and II was an other big example of what this wars can destroy people so easily. Jewish were victims of this war and we can se how the people of this religion have their history marked by this war that kill millions of people on purpose just because he hated that religion and he wanted to kill everyone who was Jewish no matter they were innocent or not.
They didn’t choose to suffer that and be dead in those cruel ways he use to kill al this people. This is a reflection for you and all people so they start worrying for our future but not just that, but specially in the theme about wars that is very important to our world..
Another issue that I concern about is childrens sexual abuse. Many children have receive sexual abuse always more and more every year , increasing the number of abortions in the world. Children are killing the life’s of humans that have no choice in be born or not. Imagine if the world is like this now, with this problems like sexual abuse in children. Imagine the world 20 years later, the world would be so degenérate in this themes that it will probably be common for then. Children would have no choice and people won’t do anything, while there childhood is destroyed.
At last, my third issue is global warming. For me more than a homework, this is a theme we should definetly talk about because its extremely important for us and our world. Global warming has affect the world tremendously and people do anything for the place they live in. What doesn’t make them concern about is that global warming is so important that it can practicaly destruí the world. Global warming is the cause of most Earth natural forces that don´t help Earth nor people , but destroye’s them. For example hurricanes, this storms that can be extremely strong have affected some places very hard . Hurricanes can kill millions of people and also let other millions withought homes. Ozone layer can not help us anymore because its making bigger and bigger holes , and again no one does so meeting to stop it, but instad for their own good people still use things and make things that damage the ozone layer and the rest of the enviroment.
I think we should all reflection about this and really think about what are we doping to improve things in Earth, and to the people that needs help. And if not, start to think in ways that we can improve it , and stop the damage we are making to it by thinking just in ourself .´
At 3:38 AM,
none said…
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At 3:41 AM,
none said…
Hey Ann,
thank you for commentating on my blog ealier. I have read your intro to teen life and I have found it very true. Terrorism are one of the major downsides to our current world amd WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) have increased this problem even more to an extent of mass bombing and nuclear explosions which cause high death rates and DNA mutations among the people to inhabit the area. Usuama Bin Ladin (The leader of the twin tower bombing) was executed not long ago and so was his brother in the following days in hopes of peace, but this only caused people to be more agressive and the crime rate to increase at an alarming rate. As for the ozone, yes I should say that it is thinning at a fast pace and with no intentions of stopping either. Many fuel efficient cars have been produced though squashed by large oil companies who fear the their business may go bankrupt if no one were to buy their fuel. Also you have to think of all the countries of where oil is their number one natural resource and economy. Maybe people could run on hydrogen cells, solar enerygy, or rechargable cars which run on electricity. If you are really concerned on these matters I suggest you join MUN (Model United Nation) or UN to help solve the conflicts we have today. I would really like to get to know you and your intrests a lot better and feel free to come visit my site again at
Novia >.<
At 10:51 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm Sai from Mr.R's class. I think we share some interests because soccer is my favorite sport too. :] You have written about many issues that you are concerned about and that's great -- it really shows that you care about the future of this planet. Global warming is one of the major issues around the world right now, but I feel that there are many organizations working on it. Still, we must not leave it that way; everyone has to be good citizens and try to protect our ozone layer. Well, it was nice reading your blog and check out mine:
At 10:58 PM,
none said…
Hey Ann,
I agree with you said, “that people need money to live,” but sometimes people demand too much for the same amount of work they do daily. If they want to work overtime then that is their choice, and so it is not the boss’ job to give that person a raise. There are 3 kinds of income. Earned Income, Portfolio Income, and Passive Income. Earned income is when you work for a boss and basically become an employee, by being an employee you earn 50% money because half of your money is taxed by the government, or for Malaysia it is 28%...I'm not sure what is the percentage for your country. I find this as a complete waste of time because you basically spend the rest of you life working for money. Of course you will have to start somewhere there, but after sometime you should not save your money and park it in your bank account, you should learn to buy portfolio income or maybe passive. Portfolio Income is mutual funds, bonds, real estate and stock market. This can sometimes be a good thing but at times here are not very good profits. For example the stock market after going up crashes every once in a while causing people to lose money and still having to how to invest and how to borrow and get in good debt. So I guess the safest is passive income for it is basically starting up a business. Usually a new start up business would fail but the second time should be better. This is really to much to say in one post so I will continues next time. Tell ur frens who comment to put in their URL in the box or tell me so I can reply or else I can’t comment back on theirs ^^. You have really done a good job and hope you keep up the good work.
At 3:01 AM,
vvSarah said…
Hey Ana. I am Sarah in Mr.R's class. I thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.
Okay.. There are many, many things to talk to you about. But I would love to start with this: "I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!"
Firstly, terrorism. Yes, you are right. Terrorism has to stop because it is so meaningless. Why are they doing this? I mean, there is no point of killing each other, they can just talk and not kill all the innocent people.
War. Oh, yes! Wars, along with terrorism, must stop because it is not only killing people but is also killing our natural environment. Again, my question is why on earth are they hurting each other? Why do people have to die for no reason at all?
Childrens sexual abuse. Well, although I didn't mention anything about this, I learned about how serious it is after reading your post. Yes, I think this whole idea of 'sexual abusement' has to stop because it is killing the children both physically and mentally.
Lastly, Global warming. I agree with you because if we, humans, don't start acting now, well then one day, we all die.
Overall, I also thank you on writing this post because it taught me how many serious problems we have on the Earth. I hope you will come and visit my blog again so that we can discuss more about these topics.
Sarah :) >>
At 2:47 AM,
none said…
Heyyy >.<
lol yea i have seen ur video. Which one is you? haha.. well right now we had a famous singer come to msia. His name is "Rain" lol you might not know him because he is Korean but he's pretty cool >.<...he just arrived last night so i went to the airport to get a few pics and info on him for the school newspaper. Haha yea i know it means girlfren...i had my frens tell me that in Spanish class =.= haha. thanks for telling everyone! Hmmm....i don't know if theres enything left to say, probably coz i typed to much lol. >.< Well some questions for you would be how is the security there? Are the crime rates high? Is it safe to walk out alone late at night? What do you guys listen to? What do you do in your free time?
Novia ^^
At 1:22 AM,
none said…
Hey Ana,
yea is k you duno him, well anyways i
think your song was awesome good choice, actually i am open to many kinds of songs, so i think all of them rock anyways, except for metal and the kind where people scream and stuff...i mean my little brother can do that =.= lol. Our class is almost done with our videos, our pictures are a bit artsy and if you don't know what somethings are suppose to be well just know that those things were from our school ^^. Some questions I would like to ask is
1. What do you want to be when you grow up (don't say i don't know)
2. What kind of books do you read?
3. Do you guys have dances and stuff over there?
4. What are some important dates that you guys celebrate over there?
5. Is your country made of many races or mainly just one?
6. What is the native language over there?
7. How are you >.<
novia ^^
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